The Heathmont College Sports Academy has been established to enhance students Sporting, Academic and Vocational opportunities through a holistic sporting approach. Encouraging students to be engaged in a program that aims to help them reach their potential in all areas of life.

The aim of Heathmont College Sports Academy is to:

  •  Offer a student-athlete friendly and professional environment.
  • Further develop athlete’s knowledge through a holistic sporting approach including curriculum, health and wellbeing, performance analysis, fitness testing, sports psychology and game sense.
  •  Provide an opportunity to extend student’s sporting talents via a detailed, supportive and flexible sports academy curriculum that covers enhancement opportunities, match-play, strength and conditioning education, and high-performance training, nutrition and recovery education.


  • As well as to provide an opportunity to develop student’s sporting talents through:
    – Professional high-performance training with a professional coaching staff
    – Professional strength and conditioning techniques and strategies
    – Elite athlete nutrition and recovery education
    – Match-play evaluation


Sports Academy Facilities

Heathmont College Sports Centre

Cardio Gym

Oval connecting to the Sports Centre

Outdoor Tennis/Netball Courts

Commerical Grade Gym

Hope Centre for academia and education presentations

Gym Equipment

Indoor competition grade basketball court

Programs Offered



ADP (Athlete Development Program)


  • ADP (Athlete Development Program) – This Athlete Development Program will focus on providing a strength and conditioning, cardio and recovery, program tailored to the student-athletes identified sport. This program will also provide students the opportunity to cross learn through other sports.



BRIAN VAUGHNS –Sports Academy Director
Head Basketball Coach
Playing Career Coaching and Development Coaching Philosophy
  • 15-year Career
  • Drafted by the Milwaukee Bucks (NBA)
  • Played professionally in Germany, Greece, Australia, Mexico, Argentina, Switzerland
  • Started the Maribyrnong Sports Academy Basketball Program:
  • providing 45 US College pathways for student-athletes, 35 State Team Representatives and 10 National Team Representatives. (13 years)
  • Head Program Basketball Coach at St. Michael’s Grammar (10 years)
  • Head Senior Women’s Coach at Hume City (2 years) – Big V Coach of the Year 2012
  • Head Senior Women’s Coach at Camberwell (3 years) – Big V Coach of the Year 2014
  • Head Senior Men’s Coach at Whittlesea (3 years) Big V
  • Director of Coaching at Doncaster Basketball Club (3 years)
I have been involved in basketball for close to 40 years at the elite level of playing and coaching. My goal is to help every athlete achieve a level of success through understanding self-discipline and self-evaluation.
My philosophy is “Athlete First and Winning Second”. Winning is the application of skills learned and I am dedicated to helping athletes learn and master the skills required to compete at elite levels, but more importantly help athletes define their abilities to become successful in life and sport. As a professional athlete I have had the opportunity to understand the different facets of basketball from various countries around the world which has helped to grow my knowledge of the sport from both the USA and FIBA rules. Allowing me to help all players that I teach, coach and guide throughout the Sports Academy program.
Richard Morrow – AFL/AFLW Head Coach
Playing Career Coaching and Development Coaching Philosophy
  • Currently Completing AFL Level 3 Coaching Course in 2023
  • AFL Level 2 Coach Accreditation 2018
I have been involved in coaching for the majority of the past decade. The constant challenge of player development excites me.
  • Coaching within the high-performance environments of North Melbourne’s next generation academy (NGA) and from within the AFL’S Premier National under 18 competitions as a Line Coach at the Western Jets
  • Involved at both Rep & Club Junior Level in the Western Suburbs of Melbourne
  • Worked as a Football coach for several Schools over the years (Geelong College and St Michaels Grammar to name a few)






I have a deep love of sport with a particular passion for AFL. Combine that with an enjoyment of helping young people get the best out of themselves made it an easy decision to join Heathmont College in 2023. From Under 13’s Age level and above I have coached players through to the elite talent pathways & into the AFL. I enjoy the challenge of being involved with like-minded people who continually want to better themselves on and off the field. I’ve always been inspired to help young people to excel and learn about life’s opportunities and challenges, as well as what’s required to seize and overcome them. I am excited to join the team in 2023 and meeting all involved.


My expertise is around:

  • Game knowledge 
  • Skill Acquisitions and 
  • On-going Mentoring



Timetable 2025

All athlete training groups are provided with Strength and Conditioning (S&C) sessions


SENIORS Seniors: 7:30am – 9:00am 

Seniors/Inters S&C: 3:15pm-4:30pm

Seniors/Inters BB: 7:30am – 9:00am  Seniors: 7:30am – 9:00am
INTERMEDIATES Inters (Footy): 7:30am – 9:00am

Senior/Inters S&C: 3:15pm – 4:30pm

Inters All Sport: 7:30am – 9:00am Inters (Footy): 7:30am – 9:00am

Senior/Inters BB 7:30am – 9:00am

Inters BB: 7:30am – 9:00am
JUNIORS Juniors (Footy): 3:15pm – 4:30pm 

Juniors (BB Group A): 3:15pm – 4:30pm

Juniors (BB Group B): 3:15pm – 4:30pm

Junior (Girls Footy): 3:15pm – 4:30pm


Junior S&C (BB Group A): 7:30am – 9:00am 

Juniors (BB Group B): 3:15pm – 4:30pm

Juniors (Footy Boys): 7:30am – 9:00am

Juniors S&C (BB Group B): 7:30am – 9:00am

Juniors (BB Group A): 3:15pm – 4:30pm

Juniors (Girls Footy): 3:15pm – 4:30pm

ADP (Athlete Development Program) ADP: 7:30am – 9:00am ADP: 7:30am – 9:00am  ADP: 3:15pm – 4:30pm 

Sports Academy sessions include:

» Professional Technical Skill development
» Professional Tactical Skill development
» Health and Wellbeing sessions
» Competitions/Inter-academy competitions
» Fitness testing and data analysis
» Peer analysis and assessment
» Student-athlete development of coaching practices for leadership opportunities and pathways
» Training Recovery practices

At Heathmont College, we value the importance of education. Importantly, Heathmont College Sports Academy will offer ongoing support to all student-athletes to help balance their demanding schedules. This will be arranged through term-based progress meetings and weekly academic support classes that are offered to all academy students.

*Weekly academic support classes must be attended by those students who have failed to hand in work on time to a satisfactory standard.

‘Want to know more? Have a ‘Coach Conversation’

Use this form to request additional information from a Heathmont College Sports Academy Coach or contact Brian at

Sports Academy Program – Expression of Interest

If applying through the Grade 6 to Year 7 Transition process, please place Heathmont College as your 1st preference on your Transition Placement Form.

If you are currently enrolled in a secondary school or study centre, you will also need to complete an Application for Enrolment found on our website under Enrolments / Application for Enrolment. Based upon your application you may be interviewed by an Assistant Principal and Director of Sports Academy for enrolment.


Sports Academy Uniform

Included in the Sports Academy Fee (annual only) athletes will be provided with a base pack uniform items which include the following: 
  • 1 x T-Shirt
  • 1 x Shorts
  • 1 x Trackpants
  • 1 x Hoodie

Please note that Term Taster athletes receive Sports Academy Uniform once they have enrolled in a full year program. Additional Items of uniform are available to purchase by following the uniform ordering process below.

Uniform Ordering Process

  • Families who wish to purchase extra uniform items are required to collect a ‘Sports Academy Additional Uniform Order Form’ from the
    General Office. This can be collected by either student or parent or emailed upon request.
  • Complete the order form, submit to Klad for processing. You can do this by handing
    your order form to Klad during their onsite hours:
    Tuesday 2:30pm – 4:30pm
    Thursday 12:00pm – 2:00pm
  • Alternatively, students or parents can submit this form back to the General Office directly to
    be passed onto Klad. You will be notified when your order is available for collection from the
    General Office.

All Sports Academy students must be in academy uniform for each session. If you are out of uniform,
you will need a note from your parent/guardians with a reason as to why.



Please complete the following form to apply to the Heathmont College Sports Academy.

  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • Note: The Gifted Athelete program focuses on talent identified through a range of different streams including individual sports such as track and field, swimming, gymnastics and more. It also targets sports that may not otherwise be offered within the sports academy.
  • What are your aspirations/goals in your chosen sport over the next 12 months?
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


It is important when looking to apply to Heathmont College Sports Academy, you choose Heathmont College as your preferred school. Once enrolled with Heathmont College, we will then process your enrolment in Sports Academy. If accepted, this means you have a position in the academy for that calendar year. You do not automatically get accepted the following year. Student-Athletes are required to maintain a minimum behaviour and academic standard, as well as abide by all terms and conditions set out in the ‘Student-Athlete Agreement’ that is signed at the commencement of each year. Students who fail to meet these standards or fail to uphold the agreement, may have academy sessions taken away from them or even worse, will forfeit their position in the Academy when deemed by the Director, selection panel and Heathmont College. NO REFUNDS will be given to students who forfeit their position. A yearly review/application process will be undertaken throughout the year as to whether your child will receive placement the following year.




Brian Vaughns – Sports Academy Director