At Heathmont College we have in place careers and transition programs that provide our students with careers advice to support them with making informed and effective course and career decisions.
Our aim is to provide a broad range of pathways that complement individual student abilities and interests. Having established important links with tertiary institutions and industries for the delivery of an extensive number of Vocational Education and Training (VET) and Traineeships programs, our students can choose a VCE program with workplace learning as a key component.
The Careers and Pathways Office provides students with a range of material about courses and careers. In addition, our students are supported with career advice, Managed Individual Pathways (MIPS), and subject selection advice.
A Careers Orientation Program operates at the end of Year 9 and assists students with preparation for the possibility of part time work and introduces students to OH&S principles. In addition, students participate in the Career Voyage vocational testing program to assist them to identify their interests and investigate career pathways linked to student interest. All students have their own log in to this site and are encouraged to use this for pathways planning.
Pathways Coordinator – Melissa McMurray
We also offer students the opportunity to choose a Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) program where they may attend TAFE one day a week, Heathmont College for three days and work in industry the remaining day. At the Intermediate and Senior levels our VCAL program operates as an Australian School Based Apprenticeship (ASBA) program. While positions in industry are only for the duration of the ASBA, they often lead to full-time positions with the company. Many of our VCE students are also completing ASBAs as a component of their part time work outside the school environment, these can be credited to their VCE results.
In addition to University study, apprenticeships and traineeships are seen as viable and achievable post school options, giving our students a wider range of possibilities on leaving our College.
- My Future:
- Safe@Work:
- TAFE Victoria:
- Defence Force Jobs: